Ian Hinsdale

Introducing wynno

wynno is a tool for seeing the tweets in your Twitter timeline that interest you, and skipping the rest.

The more people you follow on Twitter, the more you probably find yourself sifting through tweets that don’t interest you to find the ones that do. That’s the problem that wynno wants to solve.

It’s not a problem that can be solved by unfollowing people. Unfollowing someone is too crude a solution if you like some of a person’s tweets, and don’t want to miss out on those.

wynno enables a finer approach: you can apply specific filters to your Twitter timeline. Filters are simply rules you make about the kinds of tweets you want to hear or mute.

Jean-François Millet - Le vanneur

Maybe you always want to hear tweets that contain a particular hashtag. Maybe for your work it’s important to keep up with breaking news, and so you always want to hear tweets that contain a keyword like ‘BREAKING’. Or maybe you couldn’t care less about breaking news and want to mute those tweets. Maybe you never want to see Foursquare updates or links to Facebook from a former coworker of yours, whom you don’t really know anyway but nevertheless don’t want to unfollow because that would sow seeds of awkwardness. Maybe you always want to see the quotations tweeted by a friend of yours, but you don’t really care when they post pictures.

You can make filters for all of these. All tweets caught by a ‘hear’ filter or which aren’t caught by any filter are put in a timeline called Good Stuff. This is the timeline you see first when you load wynno. All tweets caught by a ‘mute’ filter get moved to another timeline called The Rest. You can look at The Rest as much as you want to, or not at all.

That’s the simple innovation of wynno: splitting your Twitter timeline in two, according to the rules you make.

I’d love for you to send feedback to feedback@wynno.com. Thanks for wynnoing!

Ian Hinsdale

(UPDATE: wynno has been discontinued and is no longer active at https://wynno.com. This post remains as a reference. You can read the source code for Wynno at https://github.com/ihinsdale/wynno.)